Consultants, Agencies & Online Service Businesses Above $1M/Year:

How The Leading Blockchain & Tech Firms Are Using Tactical Offers To Sign Enterprise Deals With Ubisoft, bitMEX, Samsung & More...

Watch the short 15-minute video below and check the testimonials to see if it's a fit. Then click the green button to schedule a call and get pricing for your business.

Results From Clients:

These results are not typical or guaranteed.

Lunar Strategy: Signed bitMEX In 33 Days

GBM Auction: 100 Demos In 90 Days 

One Safe: 22 Sales In 9 Days

Lorenzo Frankel: $50,000/mo In 3 Months

Kai Cabero: $9,000 With Just Google Docs

Radiance Studio: $14K In 35 Days

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Kai Cabero, Scale Chain, Wealth Builders, Based Consulting, BD Labs, and associated training are NOT considered an income or business opportunity according to the Business Opportunity Rule § 437.1m;. This states “that advertising and general advice about business development and training shall not be considered as ‘providing locations, outlets, accounts, or customers.’”.

INCOME DISCLAIMER: Although we make every effort to accurately represent the services and/or products presented on this website, Kai Cabero makes no assurance, representation or promise regarding future earnings or income, or that you will make any specific amount of money, or any money at all, or that you will not lose money. Earnings or income statements, or examples of earnings or income, represent estimates of what you may earn; however, there is no promise or guarantee that you may experience the same level of earnings or income. There is no assurance that any prior success or past results regarding earnings or income may be an indication of your future success or results.